If you would like to share a story, simply ask to have your name added to the board upon arrival. Or email me prior to reserve a place on the board: karen@storynights.com.au

It must be true

The story you share at a Story Night must be true, and it must have happened to you.


The theme is there to inspire and help you find your story. If you have a story you’d love to tell and it’s not on theme, that’s okay, please feel welcome to tell it regardless.

Without Notes

When you come to tell us your story, we want to experience you in the moment, speaking from your heart! I encourage you to prepare (see All Stories are Welcome) but leave your notes in your pocket when you come up to speak.

Bring vulnerability

When there are stakes in your story, if you’re taking a risk, you engage us. We love when it’s a story that’s important to you.

All types of stories are welcome

The polished and prepared, the well thought out, the off-the-cuff and everything in-between. If you haven’t told stories before, I recommend taking time to craft your story ahead of Story Night. Type it in Word, jot it on a napkin, tell it to your voice recorder and listen back, rehearse it in the car on your way to work, whatever works for you.


To get a sense of your story’s duration, rehearse it with a timer. Stories can be as short as you like, but please limit them to no more than ten minutes duration.

Include an arc

Weave an arc into your story. The high point, the point of tension, the point of no return. Take us along for the ride with you.

Time and Place

Give us a sense of time and place. Don’t just tell us you grew up in a one-bedroom apartment above a Chinese takeaway joint. Describe the stairway to get up there, the smells from the kitchen below, the aging colour of the wallpaper – help us to feel we’re there with you.

Give us resolution

The best stories are authentic, from the heart and have resolution. Please don’t leave us hanging! After you’ve ridden the arc of the story, provide us with a sense of resolution, a profound insight or something to take away and ponder.

Save us the lecture

Please, no lectures about your opinions or views and please don’t use this as an unashamed opportunity to promote your business.

Your story should not disparage

Story Nights is not the place to hate on your ex, complain about your neighbours or make claims about another’s ethnicity. Please come with an open and kind heart and speak with respect and civility. No disparaging comments in relation to age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, colour, sex… you get the picture.